Automate Influencer Payments

You’re a marketer, not an accountant. Stay focused on brand building while Wobb handles your creator payments.

Safe Payments
Secure Your Transactions
Safety comes first at Wobb. Our payment gateway, Escrow secures every transaction you make.
Set up approval processes
Auto pay With Milestones
Set milestones for influencers & let Wobb handle the rest. When an influencer completes a milestone, our platform releases the payment.
Global Payemnt
Pay Across Globe
Easily pay influencers wherever they are with automated fund transfers
Track Payment History
Each Dollar You Paid
Wobb tracks any creator payments that need to be made, or see all payments previously made to a specific ambassador.
Payment Types
Choose Your Type
Barter, product refund, fixed pay or performance based, choose your payment type.
"We evaluated certain international players but none today offers complete visibility of returns from awareness to conversion, which the Wobb pixel offers."
Shanth Kumar
Digital Nestle

Empowering Brands,
Inspiring Influence


Empowering Brands,
   Inspiring Influence

At Wobb, we bridge the gap between brands and the dynamic world of influencer marketing. Our platform
is revolutionizing the way brands connect, hire,
and measure influencer campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about our tool

Ready to start finding the best influencers for your brand?
Get in touch with us to see how Wobb can help you get more from your influencer marketing.