Built for large-scale enterprise

We help global organizations build a performance-driven culture for influencer marketing

Influencer Search
Activate (right) Influencers
Select the best creators, reach better audiences, and outperform competitors, while reducing costs.
Manage Your Team
Manage Teams, Brands & Agencies
Establish workflows and manage access across large brand portfolios and user groups.
Pay Global
Pay Across Globe
No matter where your influencers are based in. Pay them anywhere in the planet, anytime.
Campaign Management
Single view for all campaigns
Align your organization with a unified methodology for tracking campaigns and KPI, and feed data into your internal dashboards.
"We evaluated certain international players but none today offers complete visibility of returns from awareness to conversion, which the Wobb pixel offers."
Shanth Kumar
Digital Nestle

Empowering Brands,
Inspiring Influence


Empowering Brands,
   Inspiring Influence

At Wobb, we bridge the gap between brands and the dynamic world of influencer marketing. Our platform
is revolutionizing the way brands connect, hire,
and measure influencer campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about our tool

Ready to start finding the best influencers for your brand?
Get in touch with us to see how Wobb can help you get more from your influencer marketing.